The most obvious way to utilize this is applying it to wrestling gear, but players are only limited by their imaginations. These images are effectively used for logos that can be applied to custom wrestler attire, championships, arenas, videos, and more. It’s recommended that images be set to these dimensions to guarantee they appear properly in WWE2K22. The image upload feature in WWE 2K22 allows players to upload a square image at 128×128, 256×256, 512×512, or 1024×1024. Find your image in the customizer under the “custom images” category.Your image should appear in the “image manager” In WWE 2K22, go to the “online” tab, then community creations.Sign in on Xbox, PlayStation Network, or Steam account.Find image and re-size it to be either a banner 1024 pixels wide or a square image.

Here’s how to use WWE 2K22’s image upload feature and the best ways to utilize it. Using this is essential for creating high-quality custom creations, but the game offers vague directions on how to use it and how to best utilize it. The trouble is that this tool is gated behind an awkward setup on the game’s website.